MESB Board
January Meeting materials WebEx Meeting Link Phone Number: (408) 418-9388 Access Code: 126 403 7587 Password: yYKHhPUv263 (99544788 from phones and video systems)
January Meeting materials WebEx Meeting Link Phone Number: (408) 418-9388 Access Code: 126 403 7587 Password: yYKHhPUv263 (99544788 from phones and video systems)
December 17, 2020 9-1-1 TOC Meeting packet Please note this meeting will be conducted online. To join, please follow the link below and use the phone number and code listed. Phone number: 408-418-9388 Participant code:[…]
911 TOC Speciial Meeting Agenda Please note this meeting will be conducted online. To join, please follow the link below and use the phone number and code listed. Meeting Link Phone Number: 1-408-418-9388 Participation Code:[…]
MESB Board
March MESB meeting packet WebEx Meeting Link Phone Number: (408) 418-9388 Access Code:126 759 9439 Password: RYi8rPCAx88 (79487722 from phones and video systems)