Eden Prairie NENA Registry Form


NENA is upgrading its national PSAP registry to include additional information to assist telecommunications service providers in meeting the FCC outage reporting requirements.  The MESB requests all metro PSAPs to update their PSAP’s NENA registry information, on the “NENA Enhanced PSAP Registry and Census.” The link below, titled NENA Registry Information Form, shows what information Eden Prairie NENA Registry Formation the MESB has on file for each individual PSAP.  Note that the information in this spreadsheet is formatted to match the information the FCC PSAP Registry uses (e.g. PSAP name), as well as the information the MESB shares with telecommunications and 9-1-1 service providers.  If any inaccurate information is identified, please notify the Director of 9-1-1 Services or the 9-1-1 Coordinator as soon as possible.  It is hoped that the use of this registry will eliminate the need for the service providers to all contact each PSAP on a regular basis seeking updated contact information.

Eden Prairie NENA Registry Form

NENA Registry instructions